Legion of Mary
Miami Regia

O Mary, conceived without sin.
Pray for us who have recourse to you


Regia Supplies/Publications

Regia Supplies/Publications

Literature formMiami Regia Literature Price list/Order form

Download a PDF of the Price List below.
Annual Acies 2011Download Order Form 







The Official Handbook of the Legion of Mary 2014 edition

Download a PDF copy of the Book

Annual Acies 2011
Download File 





 legion of Mary DVD

Legion of Mary - DVD
The “MEET THE LEGION” DVD illustrates how in many developing countries, the Legion continues to be of great service to the Church. The DVD features international members of the Legion of Mary with specially shot footage from North and South America, Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia, the DVD gives a particular insight into the religious lives of ordinary Legion members – they talk especially about their trust in Jesus and his mother Mary.

Download a PDF copy of the Order form.
Annual Acies 2011Download Order Form


"You are a Movement of lay people who propose to make faith the aspiration of your life up to the achievement ofpersonal sanctity."

Pope John Paul II


Legion of Mary Child Safeguarding Policy

The Legion of Mary Child Safeguarding Policy aims to do everything possible to provide a safe environment for children and young people where they are cherished and encouraged to become involved in the life of our Church. 

Legion of Mary's Child Safeguarding Policy