Legion of Mary
Miami Regia

O Mary, conceived without sin.
Pray for us who have recourse to you

ACIES                                                                  Back |   Print  |   Bookmark

Acies 2011              Acies 2009              Acies 2008 

      Acies is a Church function which is held annually about the Feast of the Annunciation for the members to renew their consecration to Mary.

      In the Legion system, each year there shall be a consecration of legionaries to Our Lady. The consecration - which shall comprise both an individual and a collective consecration - will take place on the 25 March or on a day close thereto, and will be known as the Acies.
      This Latin word, meaning as it does an army ranged in battle array, is appropriate to a ceremony in which the legionaries as a body assemble to renew their fealty to Mary, Queen of the Legion, and from her to receive strength and blessing for yet another year’s battle with the forces of evil.

      It is necessary to stress the importance of attendance on the part of every member. The essential idea of the Legion, upon which all else is built, is that of working in union with and in dependence on Mary, its Queen. The Acies is the solemn expression of that union and dependence, the renewal-individual and collective-of the legionary declaration of fealty. Hence it is manifest that any legionaries who can attend, and yet fail to do so, have little or none of the spirit of the Legion in them. The membership of such persons is not an asset to the Legion.

Legion of Mary Handbook: Chapter 30, Pg - 173

The Allocutio given at the Acies 2008/2009/2011 are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
You will  need the Acrobat Reader to view.

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  1. Acies 2013
  2. Acies 2011
  3. Acies 2009
  4. Acies 2008


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"You are a Movement of lay people who propose to make faith the aspiration of your life up to the achievement ofpersonal sanctity."

Pope John Paul II


Legion of Mary Child Safeguarding Policy

The Legion of Mary Child Safeguarding Policy aims to do everything possible to provide a safe environment for children and young people where they are cherished and encouraged to become involved in the life of our Church. 

Legion of Mary's Child Safeguarding Policy