Juniors Legion of Mary
Juniors Legion of Mary
“For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be
opened.” Matthew 7:8
The Junior
Legion is an organization for the spiritual development of persons under 18 years of age. The president,
and at times the vice-president are experienced Senior Legionaries of
Mary. Each group which is called a praesidium, is under the guidance of a spiritual
Primarily, the purpose is to train and spiritualize the young members. In a short
time they till take their place as lay apostles of Christ doing the
work as Senior Legionaries of Mary.
Junior Legion of Mary praesidia can be found throughout the entire
What does the Junior Legion of Mary
Each member must do at least one
hour of work each week. This work is assigned at the weekly meeting which all members must attend. Junior Legion
Praesidia have been found to be valuable in the work that they do in parishes. Junior Legionaries may teach
catechism to young children, visit the sick, make rosaries & visit the elderly.
Work at home also may be done in addition to the weekly assignment. The Spirit of Mary
working for the Holy Family at Nazareth should be preserved by each member in the work at

What Benefits Can the Junior Legion of Mary
OUR PARISH: It forms a spiritual army of youth within any parish. Many
worthwhile tasks are performed, which would otherwise be neglected. As a consequence, more blessings are earned,
more graces are gained, and more souls are saved.
TO OUR YOUTH: A unique opportunity
for spiritual growth is given. No other organization offers a daily program of prayer, a weekly work assignment and
the discipline of a meeting each week. In crucial years when formation is so essential, the Junior Legion develops
spiritual and mental growth of the personality, Junior Legionaries stand to gain for everything they freely give in
service to Mary.
TO OUR CHURCH: Lay Apostles are wanted and needed. A firm
spiritual foundation given to our youth will insure a source of supply of Lay Apostles for years to come. As Junior
Legionaries, our youth are taught to give to their Church rather than to wait for what they can receive. The Junior
Legion forms good Catholics now, and better Catholics tomorrow.
If you are interested in joining the Junior Legion of Mary, contact the Miami Regia Email: contact@legionofmarymiamiregia.com
who will offer guidance.
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